One picture a day of Jinan in Shandong Province, China.

Friday, June 11, 2010

At the Library

It may seem too pedestrian, but today I took my classes to the library to read the English readers Ian succeeded in getting the school to purchase. Now they can't check the books out, which I don't like, but they did get to read them during our class. With luck some will go back.

The library is a rather empty place at our school. They don't have comfy chairs or great lighting, but it's something.


  1. Your photos make me miss my days as an English teacher in Gero, Japan!

  2. I taught in Japan, Takatori-cho in Nara-ken. What a wonderful time. Natsukashii.


Please post in English, French or Japanese. I can read those languages. I won't approve comments in languages I don't know because they could be offensive. I can read Latin too so that's okay.