One picture a day of Jinan in Shandong Province, China.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Willow Stadium

Next to the stadium that looks like a lotus is a new stadium, also designed by the Bird's Nest team, that resembles a willow tree. The willow is Jinan's city tree.

I'm fond of them both. They're far from my neighborhood way on the southeast side of town.


  1. One of my few regrets regarding our China trip was that we didn't get more time to explore Jinan.

  2. Time flies by and to see China as it should be soon takes lots of time. We have to content ourselves with the glimpses we got.

  3. Alos, IamMBB, we should have tried more Jinan restaurants. Our palates could have explored more given time.

  4. Really interesting stadiums! Going to google Jinan and learn some more.


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